Fraser Shaw

Mac Ìle, Son of Islay

A dear friend and fantastic composer has been remembered in both a tune book and cd

released by the Fraser Shaw Trust

(a charity set up to fund youth music and multiple sclerosis research)

We are all very proud of the music he created. The music we arranged, recorded and notated will hopefully crystallise his legacy and keep music alive in the hearts of all who witness it.

“There’s this thing he does”

There’s this thing he does

Where he gets people

to come together

He probably thought

they gathered to see each other

but they came

because of him

I’d be surprised if you don’t

know him or

at least know of him

they call him Seathach


Shaw 1

(Shaw 2)

Frozzle Shozzle

Frazey Wazey

“Watch that wif your Shaw”

Puff Puff

That thing he does

He’s doing it now

Unable to move, get up

Use a phone or get in touch

And still people come together

As I sit in a hospital corridor

Like I’m waiting on a bus

The door of the Port Charlotte

opens and closes

There’s a session inside

And it’s all because of him

That thing he does

Innes Watson 2015